About me
With love for the profession
Leonhard Rank, born in Munich, comes from a family of musical academics, and came into contact with stringed instruments at an early age. He began playing the cello as a child and quickly developed a great affinity for this instrument.
In addition to music, Leonhard Rank also discovered his passion for the craft of woodworking. Consequently, he combined these interests and went to the vocational school for instrument making in Mittenwald to learn the handcraft of the violin maker.
To expand upon the basic knowledge acquired there, Rank worked for several years following his graduation in established specialist workshops with a focus on restoration and trade. Here he deepened his knowledge of the latest restoration techniques and the analysis and documentation of historical stringed instruments.
In 2013 Leonhard Rank began working independently and set up his own business in the centre of Cologne, where he shares a studio with violin maker, musicologist, and restorer Johannes Loescher.
Since then, one area of focus in his work has been the appraisal of stringed instruments, the creation of documentation, as well as the extensive restoration of valuable violins, violas and celli.
The responsible handling of this important cultural asset is a very enticing challenge and at the same time a fulfilling occupation for him.